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Test 1 Vereshchagina V (lessons 1-5) 1. Choose the right form: 1. Tom usually … coffee. a) drink b) drinks c) is drinking d) drank e) will drink 2. Mary … to music now. a) listen b) listens c) is listening d) listened e) will listen 3. Al … to the pub in the next Tuesday evening. a) go b) goes c) is going d) went e) will go 4. It … last winter. a) snow b) snows c) is snowing d) snowed e) will snow 5. I … to see Mr. Dale next time. a) come b) comes c) am coming d) come e) shall come 6. They … animals at this moment. a) draw b) draws c) are drawing d) drawn e) will draw 7. We … the window in our room every morning. a) open b) opens c) are opening d) opened e)shall open 8. You … new English words at the next lesson. a) learn b) learns c) are learning d) learned e) will learn 9. Look! Your dog …in the river. a) swim b) swims c) is swimming d) swum e) will swim 10. My parents often … at home. a) work b) works c) are working d) worked e) will work 2. Open the brackets: 1. We (not do/ yet) our homework. 2. Pam (clean/ already) the room. 3. Jason and Steve (come/ just) home. 4. My friend (know\always) him. 5. I (wash/ just) the dishes. 6. I (not to see/ since) him 1987. 3. Translate: 1. Анна уже прибыла в Лондон. Она в Лондоне с воскресенья. 2. Мои родители никогда не путешествовали бизнес классом. 3. Недавно мой старший брат купил новый фотоаппарат. 4. Я всегда хотел(а) быть пекарем, а мой брат - мясником. 5. Где Фрэд? – Он пылесосит ковёр. (чистит ковёр с пылесосом) 6. В гостиной темно. – Хорошо, я включу электричество. 7. Вы уже зарегистрировали свой багаж? 4. Form nouns: 1. Play - ____________________ 2. Science - _________________ 3. Travel - ___________________ 4. Discover - ________________ 5. Music - ___________________ 6. Architecture - ______________ 7. Write - ____________________ 8. Dance - ___________________ 5. Open the brackets. All sentences refer to future (Future Simple, to be going to, Present Continuous): 1. “It’s very cold in the room.” – “OK. I (to turn on) the central heating.” 2. We usually go to the Crimea in summer. We went to Yalta last year. And next year we (to spend) our holidays there. 3. Let’s have a party next Saturday. – That’s a good idea! I (invite) our classmates. 4. I’m sorry, Mr Green can’t meet with you tomorrow. He (to go) to London. 5. – A cup of tea or coffee? -I think, I (have) a cup of tea without sugar. 6. Buy some eggs, milk and sugar. I (to make) some pancakes.