Аннотация к презентации «Rhymes of Kipling’s life»
Kuprin sad: «Kipling is original, like no one else in modern literature. The power of things that he has in his work, just inexhaustible ... Kipling`s art includes a lot, which he ruled with unprecedented the power of the mind and imagination of the reader."
Joseph Rudyard Kipling is worldwide writer, author of many children`s stories which grew more than one generation and he is grand poet also. In my work, I want to acquaint you with Kipling as a human and try to show you his personality as close as I can through his poems.
Nothing came accidentally and every rhyme and line has own story, fate led Kipling to his every composition. Only the most strong emotions become to poems and in each of it is a piece of author`s soul. Experiencing with Kipling his ups and downs and realized what kind of man he was, what thoughts were in his mind – you can look at him from the other side and be sure to find yourself a little.
In my work I would like to make an impact on Kipling`s creativity as a poet. His poems are connected with many types of genres – they are ballads, poems, songs and military poems representing civil war in lyrics and poetry, contrary to the semi-official view of the situation in the country and the world.
Kipling turned the page of English poetry. He started the tradition of modern poem`s songs
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