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План урока по теме « Проблемы окружающей среды « в 8 классе по учебнику “ Spotlight” под редакцией Ю.Е.Ваулиной, Дж.Дули, О.Е.Подоляко, В.Эванс. Цель урока: совершенствование коммуникативной компетенции в говорении; формирование грамматических навыков (Future Tenses) Задачи урока: развивать знания учащихся по поставленной проблеме и практиковать в устной речи; повышать познавательный интерес к английскому языку в процессе формирования языковой компетенции; воспитание чуткого и ответственного отношения к окружающей среде. Ход урока 1. Организационный момент. Teacher: I’m glad to see you. I hope you are well and ready to work.Today we’ll speak about environmental problems in the modern world.Our planet is in serious danger.The ecological problems are not the problems of a single isolated country. They are global in character and involve all countries in the world. People pollute the air, people breathe, the water, they drink and the land that grain and vegetables grow on. The planet is getting hotter and hotter.This causes changes in climate, sea levels are rising, ice caps are melting, animals and plants are dying. Nature seems to turn on us.As a result, the hotter oceans generate natural disasters. 2.Повторение изученной лексики. What natural disasters do you know? What causes them? Which of these disasters are common in our country? Which disaster happened in our region? What do you know about it? -It was flood.The massive waves have cracked roads, collapsed bridges.The streets outside were littered with fallen trees and huge peaces of wood and metal. Thousands have lost their homes.Many people suffered and were lost.This must be one of the worst natural disasters in our region. Did anybody help these people? -Many rescue teams were sent there ,they gave them emergency first aid, distributed food. How did the government help the people? -The government gave great sums of money for the restoration of dwellings,helped to clear the streets,gave medical and psychological treatment.It was a great tragedy for the people. 3. Развитие навыков чтения с извлечением необходимой информации. Teacher: In order to prevent such tragedies people should forecast the weather.It is “the temper of the atmosphere”.Meteorologists use modern technologies to make the weather forecast more precise.But Nature is the instrument of the forecast itself.The majority of our planned activities are based on what the weather will be like, so it is important to know ahead of time what to expect. What methods do you think people in the past used to predict the weather? Listen to the text and read to find out. a) What do you think about the title of the text? Why is it important to know the weather ahead of time? How could people predict the weather in the past? Are there any sayings about the weather? There are some words of wisdom said by Kim Hubbard: “Don’t knock the weather.If it didn’t change once in a while,nine out of ten people couldn’t start a conversation.” 4. Активизация новой лексики по теме. а) Listen to the tape and complete the gaps with the words from the list. P 80 ex 4 b) Complete the spidergram with as many words as possible related to weather. P 80 ex 1 c) Listen to the song and say which of the words related to the weather are mentioned in the song “Rain or shine “ SS3 ex 1 d) There are some idioms used today in predicting weather events. P 81 ex 6 Are there similar idioms in your language? 5. Развитие навыков работы над грамматической структурой. Infinitive to - -agree, appear, decide, -modal verbs hope,want,promise,refuse -let, make, see, hear, - would like, would prefer watch, feel, notice -happy, glad,sad -had better, would rather -too, enough -ask, explain, learn -be +the first/ second -to tell the truth,to be honest -so +adj+as -for+noun P79 ex 6 6. Home assignment. WB p47 ex 4
материал является яркой наглядностью при изучении лексики по теме"Food" и "WEATHER" с последующим выполнением упражнения типа"MATCH"