Урок для 9 класса по учебнику Кузовлева В.П. к 2 разделу Let the music begin.

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Degrees of comparison of adjectives 2015 Lesson plan Theme: Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Form: 6 Objectives: To introduce the pupils with new adjectives. To learn them to compare the adjectives. The pupils must be able to differ the degrees of adjectives . Visual Aids: CD, a poste, computer, cards. Procedure I Organization moment: a) Greeting to each other: -Hello, children. How are you? - Hi. We are fine, thanks. b) Speech drill: - Are you a hard-working? -Yes, I am. -And are you more hard- working than your brother? -Yes, I am. -And are you the most hard- working in your family? - Oh , no , I am not. My mother is the most hard- working person in my family. II Warm up: -What kind of adjectives do you know? - How are they translated into Kazakh ? small big weak Adjectives Сын есімдер fast slow strong IIIPresentation: a) New words : First , I want to introduce you with new adjectives.Write down the new words into your vocabularies, please. b) The rules of comparison of the adjectives . ( Сын есімдерді салыстыру ережелері ) I Adjectives II comparative III superlative 1 сын есім + er + the…..est Short shorter the shortest ( қысқа ) ( қысқалау ) ( ең қысқа ) 2 Егер сын есім дауыссыз әріпке аяқталса, ал оның алдында дауысты әріп тұрса, соңғы дауыссыз әріп екеу болып жазылады. big bigger the biggest ( үлкен ) ( үлкендеу ) ( ең үлкен ) 3 Егер сын есім Y әріпіне аяқталса , жалғаулар қосылғанда Y әріптің орнына І әріпі жазылады. messy messier the messiest ( лас ) ( ластау ) ( ең лас ) 4 Егер сын есім бірнеше буыннан тұрса оған салыстырмалы түрінде more , күрделі түрінде the most қосылады. beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful ( әдемі ) ( әдемілеу ) ( ең әдемі ) 5 Кейбір сын есімдер ережеге бағынбайды. Оларға ештене қосылмайды, бірақ түбірлері өзгереді. good better the best ( жақсы) ( жақсылау) ( ең жақсы ) bad worse the worst ( жаман ) ( жамандау ) ( ең жаман ) 6 Сапасы бірдей екі затты салыстырғанда, as…as., such…as. қолданамыз: a) This car is as fast as that car. ( Singular ) b) These cars are as fast as those cars. ( Plural) 7 Сапасы әр-түрлі екі затты салыстырғанда , than қолданамыз: a) This boy is taller than that boy. ( singular ) b) These boys are taller than those boys ( plural ) III Practice: a) Reading : ex 1 a p 32 b) Listening : ex 1b p 32 c) Speaking : ex 3 p 33 -Who is the oldest person in Wayne’s family? -His grandmother is the oldest person in his family. -Who is the youngest person? -His cousin Gina is the youngest person. -Who is the most generous person? -His uncle Tony is the most generous person. -Who is the fittest person in his family? -His sister Tina is the fittest person in his family. -Who is the friendliest person? -His mother Linda is the friendliest person. -And who is the most handsome person ? -Oh, it is certainly Wayne is the most handsome person in his family. d) writing: ex 2 p 33 IV Production: a) Let’s sing a song b) Divide the class into groups with the help of three – coloured sweets ( red, yellow , green ) I-group ( 5 ) II-group ( 4 ) III- group ( 3 ) c) Tasks to three groups I 1) First use the comparative adjectives. 2) Second find the names of the girls. 1 Kate ______________ Rose. ( tall ) 2 Rose’s hair _________Kate’s hair. (long) 3 Kate’s dress _________Rose’s dress.( short) 4 Kate’s shoes_________Rose’s shoes(comfortable ) 5 Kate_________________Rose ( young ) 6 Rose ________________Kate ( old ) II Find the names . Who is who? III Find the comparative adjectives. 1 Ben is_______________than Pete. 2 Pete is ______________than Ben. 3 Ben’s chair is _______than Pete’s chair.4 Pete’s hair is ________than Ben’s hair. 5 Ben’s bag is __________than Pete’s bag. 6 Pete’s bag is _________than Ben’s bag. 7 Pete is _______________than Ben. 8 Pete’ s picture is ____than Ben’s picture. d) General test ( reflexing ) V Assessments. - Dear students, who has red sweets , they have got “ 5 ” . And who has green sweets , they have got “ 4 ” Who has yellow sweets , they have got “ 3 ” . VI Home task: a) To learn –by- heart new words. b) Ex 4-6 P 23 VII Conclusion: The teacher’s questions. -What have you learnt on this lesson? -Do you like this lesson? The students’ answers.
Конспект урока на тему: Праздники. День рождения. Цель: совершенствование лексических единиц по теме: Праздники. Задачи: 1) образовательная: - совершенствовать знание лексических единиц по теме: Праздники. - повторять употребление Present Simple - развивать умение ознакомительного и поискового чтения - развивать умение монологической и диалогической речи - тренировать навыки чтения 2) развивающая: - развивать внимание, память, мышление, языковую догадку; - развивать умения исследовательские навыки: поиск, фиксация и обобщение информации; - развивать умения самонаблюдения, самоконтроля и самооценки; - развивать воображение при моделировании ситуации общения 3) воспитательная: - развивать общекультурную и этническую идентичность: воспитывать уважение к праздникам, традициям и обычаям как части культуры народов разных стран мира - формирование ответственности и инициативы учащихся в индивидуальной и совместной работе - прививать интерес к английскому языку Форма урока: классно-урочная, индивидуальная, парная Ход урока: Учитель: Good morning! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. What date is today? What day is today? What’s the weather like today? Are you ready for the lesson? How are you? Let’s start our lesson. Close your eyes and listen to the music. Where are you? What are you doing? Who is with you? Now answer my questions, please. Is birthday a special day? How do you celebrate it? Does your mum cook anything special? Have you got any family traditions? (На доске презентация с вопросами и лексикой). Good! Ex № 2 page 100. Look at the pictures and read the first sentence of each text. How are they related to the title? (дети отвечают) Ok! Now let’s read these texts. Good! Put missing the words. 1. Everyone … a small gift. 2. My mum always makes me a … … . 3. We … the house with balloons. 4. … is a special color in China. 5. It always … something … and brings good … . Answer the questions, please. 1. What does mum always make? 2. Do people decorate the house in Britain? 3. Is a table full of food in Britain? 4. Why do people try not to cut long noodles in soup in China? 5. Is red a special color in China? Why? OK! It’s very good! Now let’s have a rest. Stand up, please. (физкультминутка, видеопрезентация) Good! Sit down, please. Now let’s make a table. Compare two birthday celebrations. Britain China - special types of food - birthday cake and lots of food - balloons - people invite their friends to parties - everyone gives a small gift - play games - special types of food - people eat noodles and red eggs - red paper - have parties with their families - get money in red envelopes What birthday celebration do you like? Why? Учитель: Good! I think our lesson is over. I am very pleased with your work. Thank you. Рефлексия. Прием «Крестики нолики». (Учитель называет слово: «Birthday». Ребята пишут слова, словосочетания, которые приходят им в голову и связаны с данным словом в таблицу на доске. Составляют предложения только по прямым линиям). Write down your homework, please. Good bye!
Данная презентация может быть использована в 10-11 классах при изучении темы "Политическая система англо-говорящих стран"
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