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Урок разработан для учащихся 10 класса УМК Биболетовой М. З. Урок обучения письменной речи. На уроке учащиеся учатся статью, описывая достопримечательностях. Материал урока может быть использован для подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ. Формируемые УУД: коммуникативные, регулятивные, познавательные.
Degrees of comparison of adjectives 2015 Lesson plan Theme: Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Form: 6 Objectives: To introduce the pupils with new adjectives. To learn them to compare the adjectives. The pupils must be able to differ the degrees of adjectives . Visual Aids: CD, a poste, computer, cards. Procedure I Organization moment: a) Greeting to each other: -Hello, children. How are you? - Hi. We are fine, thanks. b) Speech drill: - Are you a hard-working? -Yes, I am. -And are you more hard- working than your brother? -Yes, I am. -And are you the most hard- working in your family? - Oh , no , I am not. My mother is the most hard- working person in my family. II Warm up: -What kind of adjectives do you know? - How are they translated into Kazakh ? small big weak Adjectives Сын есімдер fast slow strong IIIPresentation: a) New words : First , I want to introduce you with new adjectives.Write down the new words into your vocabularies, please. b) The rules of comparison of the adjectives . ( Сын есімдерді салыстыру ережелері ) I Adjectives II comparative III superlative 1 сын есім + er + the…..est Short shorter the shortest ( қысқа ) ( қысқалау ) ( ең қысқа ) 2 Егер сын есім дауыссыз әріпке аяқталса, ал оның алдында дауысты әріп тұрса, соңғы дауыссыз әріп екеу болып жазылады. big bigger the biggest ( үлкен ) ( үлкендеу ) ( ең үлкен ) 3 Егер сын есім Y әріпіне аяқталса , жалғаулар қосылғанда Y әріптің орнына І әріпі жазылады. messy messier the messiest ( лас ) ( ластау ) ( ең лас ) 4 Егер сын есім бірнеше буыннан тұрса оған салыстырмалы түрінде more , күрделі түрінде the most қосылады. beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful ( әдемі ) ( әдемілеу ) ( ең әдемі ) 5 Кейбір сын есімдер ережеге бағынбайды. Оларға ештене қосылмайды, бірақ түбірлері өзгереді. good better the best ( жақсы) ( жақсылау) ( ең жақсы ) bad worse the worst ( жаман ) ( жамандау ) ( ең жаман ) 6 Сапасы бірдей екі затты салыстырғанда, as…as., such…as. қолданамыз: a) This car is as fast as that car. ( Singular ) b) These cars are as fast as those cars. ( Plural) 7 Сапасы әр-түрлі екі затты салыстырғанда , than қолданамыз: a) This boy is taller than that boy. ( singular ) b) These boys are taller than those boys ( plural ) III Practice: a) Reading : ex 1 a p 32 b) Listening : ex 1b p 32 c) Speaking : ex 3 p 33 -Who is the oldest person in Wayne’s family? -His grandmother is the oldest person in his family. -Who is the youngest person? -His cousin Gina is the youngest person. -Who is the most generous person? -His uncle Tony is the most generous person. -Who is the fittest person in his family? -His sister Tina is the fittest person in his family. -Who is the friendliest person? -His mother Linda is the friendliest person. -And who is the most handsome person ? -Oh, it is certainly Wayne is the most handsome person in his family. d) writing: ex 2 p 33 IV Production: a) Let’s sing a song b) Divide the class into groups with the help of three – coloured sweets ( red, yellow , green ) I-group ( 5 ) II-group ( 4 ) III- group ( 3 ) c) Tasks to three groups I 1) First use the comparative adjectives. 2) Second find the names of the girls. 1 Kate ______________ Rose. ( tall ) 2 Rose’s hair _________Kate’s hair. (long) 3 Kate’s dress _________Rose’s dress.( short) 4 Kate’s shoes_________Rose’s shoes(comfortable ) 5 Kate_________________Rose ( young ) 6 Rose ________________Kate ( old ) II Find the names . Who is who? III Find the comparative adjectives. 1 Ben is_______________than Pete. 2 Pete is ______________than Ben. 3 Ben’s chair is _______than Pete’s chair.4 Pete’s hair is ________than Ben’s hair. 5 Ben’s bag is __________than Pete’s bag. 6 Pete’s bag is _________than Ben’s bag. 7 Pete is _______________than Ben. 8 Pete’ s picture is ____than Ben’s picture. d) General test ( reflexing ) V Assessments. - Dear students, who has red sweets , they have got “ 5 ” . And who has green sweets , they have got “ 4 ” Who has yellow sweets , they have got “ 3 ” . VI Home task: a) To learn –by- heart new words. b) Ex 4-6 P 23 VII Conclusion: The teacher’s questions. -What have you learnt on this lesson? -Do you like this lesson? The students’ answers.
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